Allow this winter solstice to open a door of opportunity to connect with community, nature and your deeper self.
I challenge you to allow yourself to find the Dark in the Darkness.
Wow! This year will be one to remember with bitter, cold winds & darkness all around us! In times like this, symbolically or otherwise, I often hear uplifting phrases like, “find the light in the darkness” or “in the midst of darkness, light persists.” Lovely passages, yes, but this Solstice I challenge you to allow yourself to find the Dark in the Darkness. Darkness has a place in our lives and deserves a voice, a place to exist in all of its color. The darkness in nature and in our lives has always been a representation of a time for rest, restoration, healing. A time for deep inner reflection that may then act as a bridge to profound connection with others. A movement from ME to WE.
May darkness provide you a place to cool your jets, provide shade from the heat of anger, be a shadow to hide in when weary from the world. May darkness release you from the breath-taking pressure of perfectionism. May you be free in the darkness to liberate & remember your power of choice. In darkness may there be universal acceptance. This is my wish for you and for me.
Let the way we walk be slow,
And the way we listen slower,
With Aortic ears.
Sit still in the Darkness,
Long enough to allow your eyes,
To Dilate,
With clear vision witness Who arrives.
Without interference make space,
Them to exist exactly as they are.
Happy Solstice!
Love Dr.M xo
Giving Gratitude to you all.
Inspiration from Toko-pa Turner, Mahatma Ghandhi, Tanaaz Forever Conscious,
Daily Om, Peace Love & the patience of Nature.