” Talk is cheap. Your habits show who you are. Humans create habits and then the habits create the human.” ~Sukraj, Raj Yoga Boulder
BioDetox~ Rise & Shine ~ Time to make a change!
What makes you Rise and Shine? To RISE above it all, pick the better path? How do you SHINE? How do you uplift and elevated those in your life?
Thank you for being willing to participate with me in this transformation. This year I am creating a self guided approach so you are not bombarded by MORE emails everyday locking you on to your computer. I want you to be able to go at your own pace, use what you need and skip what you dont and really create your OWN experience based on YOU! This is just a guide to create an arena for you to best Rise & Shine! You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.
Do your best to participate and engage in the daily tasks or just take a few minutes to ask yourself the Questions of the Day.
The first 40-day detox I did took me 70 days! Do your best. This is for YOU.
You can cut and paste the weekly agendas, scroll down by day or print and use pages to add journal entries.
The idea is to disengage from our daily habits, our auto-pilot lifestyle and get connected. My dear teacher Kia Miller expresses this amazingly well, “The promise of living in this way is to release yourself from the hypnotic pull of habits and distracted living and to awaken to the underlying condition of joy and bliss.”
The goal is to create a greater awareness of what you want in your life, to be connected on a deep level to humanity and to align your desires with your life choices.
I imagine things to fall this way:
DIET: The diet is loosely based on the whole30 plan. I chose this so we all have real, whole food, as a base-line and to provide some rules and structure. I have never done the whole30 so I will be doing it with you….one meat and potato day at a time! Try your best. If it doesn’t work for you let your body tell you to add things in or take things out. If you already have a limited diet then tweak it to meet your needs. Alcohol, smoking, drugs, sugar and any habitual, routine foods like caffeine, wheat and dairy I recommend eliminating for this 40 day period.
TOPICS: Every day for 40 days you will receive an email with thoughts, topics, or ideas to ponder, questions to answer. You may want to spend 10-15 minutes tossing it around in your psyche and see what comes up for you and if it opens anything up to pay attention to. If a topic resonates on a deep level and needs more attention then maybe that is a day you can spend a few hours journaling about it or creating space for it now or at a later date. A seed may just be planted.
FORMAT: I set it up to spend the first week as an intro to get started on food changes, to incorporate meditation, mantra and breath work and figure out why we are here, the next week on anatomy and physical processes. The first half is to get re-acquainted with who we are and the second half is to go into deeper topics on how we can create radical change in our lives to uplift and elevate all those we come in contact with starting with SELF!
EXERCISE: Some form of daily exercise, walking, sweating is recommended. If you already have a formal routine, change it up to break up the habitual format of it. Try something new. If you don’t have a regular regimen start with 20 minutes of walking or yoga daily. Meditation, Breath Work and Mantra are part of this process 3-11 minutes a day is all it takes. As we move through the days I hope you find one of these exercises that you can add into your daily routine. I find that Kundalini yoga is a catalyst for this process. To elevate and activate your inner light ~To elevate and activate your inner energy body and exude radiance!
Kia Miller is absolutely the best teacher I can recommend to introduce you to this practice. She has classes on yogaglo if you are not able to see her locally (California) or in workshops. She comes to Boulder every summer for Hanuman Festival.
Raj Yoga Studio is local to Boulder to participate in weekly classes. Highly recommended.
Helpful Recipes:
BIODETOX DAY 1: Getting Started!
BIODETOX DAY 2: Physical Detox
BIODETOX DAY 3: Mental Emotional Detox
BIODETOX DAY 4: Technology Detox: PLUG IT OUT!
BIODETOX DAY 5: New Moon Ritual “ Letting Go”
BIODETOX DAY 6: Create the focus you want to take on this cleanse with Mantra.
BIODETOX DAY 7: What are your thoughts? Negative or Positive self talk?
BIODETOX DAY 35: Grace~ Sending out kindness,
Random acts of kindness to others and yourself
BIODETOX DAY 37: “Humility is strength not weakness”
BIODETOX DAY 38: Laughter is the Best Medicine
BIODETOX DAY 39: Gratitude
Namaste ~ to honor the light in another person
BIODETOX DAY 40: “May all beings everywhere be happy and free”